Hi, my name is Andreea, and I’m a Software Engineer at Rooser. I’ve been passionate about science and computers since my childhood growing up in Romania - and I’m fortunate to have turned that passion into a career! I’ve worked at companies like HP, Liverail, Meta, and now at Rooser, where I’m on the Right Price team. We focus on building our marketplace and bringing more transparency to pricing in the seafood industry.
Working in a startup means that no one day is quite the same, and that’s perhaps even more true in seafood, but here is what a ‘typical’ day in my world looks like... enjoy!
AM = All Meetings 🤗
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not particularly a morning person - I tend to optimise for sleeping as much as possible. 😴 I typically aim to arrive at work for 9 am and make sure to grab a coffee (Latte, whole milk always) on my way to the office. On Monday and Friday, which are my work-from-home days, I usually start a little earlier since I don’t have to commute.
One of the things that I appreciate in our team is how we structure the day. Any meetings take place in the morning, starting with the daily standup, followed by a meeting to review any incidents. Each week I’ll also have a morning 1:1 with my manager or our Product Manager or sometimes a quick sync with another colleague to share knowledge. This was actually the case this morning, as I’m due to join our on-call rota soon, so wanted to check in with one of the team members to make sure I know my responsibilities.
PM = Pour Moi 🤔
The afternoon is set aside for heads-down focused work. This is mainly coding time or preparing documents for presentations. Over the past two weeks, I have been working on a new initiative for the marketplace, as well as working on preparing a presentation for ‘Git best practices’ to share with the team. During the week, I’ll also put in some personal development time to learn a new skill or tool. Part of the reason I joined Rooser was to learn things, and having this dedicated time is really valuable!
Done for the day 🥰
I tend to finish work around 6 p.m., although sometimes, if there's something that I really enjoy doing and I feel like I have momentum, I will work a bit longer.
After work, I have a few things that help me decompress. During summer evenings, I like to take a walk home, enjoy the evening light, and some days squeeze in a training session. But I really have two main hobbies; one is more active at the moment, and the other is dormant. The active one is photography and editing! Whilst I don’t particularly enjoy taking photos in the city, I use this time to edit photos from recent trips I’ve made and hopefully get up to speed with it all (although I still have quite a long backlog that doesn’t seem like it’s getting any smaller 🤷).
The second is crocheting - this tends to be more of a winter hobby when the weather isn’t as good.

To wrap it all up...
Hope you’ve enjoyed reading my little insight into what it’s like working as a Software Engineer at Rooser. Before joining, I’d never have thought of considering a job within the world of seafood, but I’m glad I took the leap. It’s a fun place to work, and we take a lot of satisfaction from working together on some really interesting challenges in our quest to eliminate waste in the seafood industry.
If you'd like to find out more about becoming part of the crew, you can find our open positions here.