In recent weeks we’ve released a number of new updates to our Dispatch page to make it easier than ever for suppliers to help us deliver certainty to buyers on Rooser.
In our previous blog post, we introduced a feature that enabled suppliers to ‘accept’ each order they receive directly on their WhatsApp or email notification.
This was just the start.
We’ve since followed this up by enabling suppliers to confirm dispatch of all orders on a given day, directly from a dispatch summary WhatsApp notification.

Now this week, we’ve launched several improvements that simplify and tie the experience together across the Dispatch page on Rooser and the notifications suppliers receive.
Firstly, we’ve updated some of the language we use
Some of the button labels didn’t accurately reflect their purpose and created confusion on when to click them and why.
So we’ve changed it.
'Accept order' is now Mark as seen, letting us know that the supplier has seen their new order.
'Confirm order' is now Confirm dispatch, letting us know the order has been shipped and is on its way to Boulogne.
And we’ve also updated the status descriptions shown on orders so it’s super clear what action has been taken and what’s required next.

We’ve added an orange indicator to highlight outstanding dispatch actions
Knowing when a new order has been seen and when it has been dispatched by the supplier helps us provide certainty to buyers.
Until now though, it hasn’t always been easy for suppliers to see when they have an order that needs its status updating - particularly if they miss the individual order notification.
To combat this, we’ve added orange indicators 🟠 so it’s easy to see at a glance when there’s orders that require action in their Rooser account. A numbered indicator (showing the number of outstanding items) is now visible within the navbar when actions are outstanding, and we’ve added indicators on the calendar days that have outstanding items too so suppliers know exactly where to look. 🙌

And for added clarity, we’ve also added a dynamic status bar at the top of the Dispatch page telling the supplier how many orders are waiting to be marked as seen and how many are awaiting confirmation of their dispatch.

These actions can now be taken in bulk
One of the things we’re really committed to is keeping things simple for our users.
Actioning status updates when you have multiple orders can be time consuming, especially when having to do so one-by-one.
Time is precious in seafood, and so to make this process as quick and easy as possible for suppliers, we’ve added the ability to complete these actions in bulk. Simply click “Mark all as seen” or “Confirm all dispatches” at the top of the page and it will update the statuses for all applicable orders that day. 👍

We’re on a mission to bring transparency and certainty to seafood so that suppliers and buyers alike can make decisions with confidence, seafood can move through the chain quickly, and every fish makes it onto someone’s plate.
If you’re interested in joining us on our mission, you can check out our open positions here.